Our Team


Gilbert Poulin, (Master Brewer), Justine Boucher (Communications), Paul Poulin (CEO and Brewer), Virginie Poulin (Accountant)

Paul Poulin, President, General Manager and Brewer plays the principal role in all aspects of administration and production including the following: Installation of all equipment, crop management, purchasing of raw materials, brewing activities specifically, bottling right through up to marketing; and, we can not forget all of his ‘know-how’ and expertise in the company management.

Justine Boucher has the main tasks of acting as the Secretary and Communications Manager; the Marketing, Administrative Assistant, the Accounting Technician, the Event Organizer and the Agro-tourism Manager.

Gilbert Poulin, as the company Vice President, is the eldest member of the family, and acts as the family pillar and as the master brewer. Everyone agrees that he is a true beer enthusiast. He develops all the beer recipes and is interested in anything that surrounds the brewing world. He graduated from the National Institute of Aeronautics and has received his designation as a Master Brewer after having graduated from Versuchs-und Lehranstalt für Brauerei (Institute for Fermentation and Biotechnology) in Berlin (VLB).

Virginia, the youngest member of the team, graduated from UQAR with a degree in Accounting Sciences and is responsible for the company accounting and management of the tasting room.

Four employees including an Assistant Brewer have joined the team in order to ensure production-related tasks run smoothly. These tasks include; cleaning, sanitation, inventory management, order tracking, deliveries and publicity activities.